Judy is a long-term resident of Abbotsford and is the owner and head trainer at JD Fitness . She has been active in the fitness world for over 15 years. After some life-changing events she realized it was time to step back and reassess life as she knew it which included re-evaluating the way health and fitness were being looked at in her own life. The importance of an active and healthy lifestyle became a focus and ignited a passion to help others do the same.
After being involved in larger gyms and organizations she saw the importance of people feeling like they mattered, had a sense of belonging and were not just another number in the gym. JD Fitness Studio was designed to make people feel welcomed, important and carefully monitored to avoid injury.
Judy’s philosophy is to help you get the best out of life by showing you the way to discover and unleash your inner potential. She will guide you through a process that will alter the way you look at fitness by showing you that each persons fitness success is more than just a number and that fitness is a privilege and not a right. You are worth every effort!
"Having found myself very suddenly and prematurely facing all the challenges of menopause, I searched around for some resources and support to help me begin the various transitions this stage of life requires. Among the most...
Adele Phillips
"Judy has been my favourite trainer for the last couple of years now. She always keeps her workouts fresh and encourages us all to work to our highest potential...
Dave Soltesz